Quotes from Cheryl Strayed to Live & Write By
Critically-acclaimed, award winning memoirist, Cheryl Strayed, speaks at the A Writing Room Collective workshop in Hollywood, CA in October, 2024, and much of her talk pertained to the pursuit of art, of writing, of your story—when you are writing for your life. I say, you pursue it because you must, or you will die, piece by piece unto yourself and the emptiness of this world rather than rising up to bask in its abundant riches. Ask yourself the literal and the metaphorical questions both as a writer and as a human being. Ask yourself what needs to die within you for you to live.

5 Things You Need to Succeed as a Writer
I’ve wanted to write since I was seven, but it would take three decades and some change to really feel the confidence and esteem I needed to pursue this passion. The tools and resources I used to build myself up to have the confidence to tell my truth in my authentic voice is the biggest game-changer in activating my success as a writer, and I want to share it with you.

Craft Study—Using Show, Not Tell to Show Narcissistic Manipulation
People are complex, and with an understanding of human psychology and behavior along with a knowledge of craft, we can analyze the brilliance of character design in Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl.